Statement of Work - Turnover Specialist

Table of Contents

1. Scope

2. Objective

3. Definitions

4. References

5. Requirements

5.1. General

5.2. Cleaning/Quality Check/Maintenance Scheduling and Reporting

5.3. Property Preparation

5.4. Invoicing

1. Scope

This document will include all expectations for the contractor performing cleaning duties as well as turnover services in the Company’s service territory.

2. Objective

The objective of this document is to establish agreements on expected duties as they pertain to cleaning, housekeeping and turnover management activities within the indicated territory.

3. Definitions

Abbreviations/ Vocabulary used in this document are defined in this section:
Turnover: From dictionary: “Change or movement of people, as tenants or customers, in, out, or through a place”. In short-term property management or in the lodging industry better described as the change of guests in a rental, or the period between guest check-out and guest-check-in. Most services provided by Company take place in this Turnover period, so Company uses the term to describe the job. For example: “Today we’re assigning you a turnover at “X”-rental” or “This week we will have 45 turnovers”. Meaning all possible services in general provided by Company that are necessary to turn over a rental or to make it guest-ready for the next check-in. A normal turnover can include services like cleaning, laundry service, re-stocking, staging, etc. The actually performed services depend on the requests of Company’s clients.
Rental/ Unit/ Property: In this regards and in Company’s industry: “Type of residential accommodation used for short-term holiday accommodation or short-term corporate accommodation. People who travel and stay away from home for more than a day need lodging for sleep, rest, safety, shelter from cold temperatures or rain, storage of luggage and access to common household functions.” A short-term or vacation rental can be seen as an alternative to a normal hotel accommodation.

4. References

  1. Document 10-1: “Contractor Agreement”

  2. Document 10-2: “Housekeeping Handbook, Guidelines and How-To’s” including information on: Cleaning Standard Procedures, Quality Check Standard Procedures and Turnover Management Standard Operating Procedure

  3. Document 10-3: “Kleenerly Checklist- step-by- step indications for each area of a unit”-document

  4. Document 10-4: “Kleenerly Guest-Ready-Checklist”

  5. Document 10-5: “Must-Haves for Turnovers”

  6. Document 10-6: “Culture Handbook”

5. Requirements

5.1. General

5.1.1. Housekeeper (the “Contractor”) shall report directly to and be personally trained by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Operating Officer (COO), Operations Manager (OM), Operations Coordinator (OC) or Housekeeping Manager (HM).

5.1.2. The Contractor shall be responsible for the overall condition of the Company’s serviced rentals per document 10-1, 10-2, 10-3 and 10-4.

5.1.3. The Contractor shall work in conjunction with the CEO, COO, OM, OC & HM to ensure the units are well-maintained with respect to immaculate cleanliness and exceptional staging and presentation.

5.1.4. The Contractor shall personally fulfill the following duties relative to the assigned turnovers:

5.2. Cleaning/Quality Checks/Maintenance Reporting

5.2.1. The Contractor shall ensure all properties are perfectly cleaned, nicely staged and made 100% guest-ready after each turnover per Company standards noted in document 10-1, 10-2, 10-3 and 10-4.

5.2.2. The cleaning fee for each property shall include the cost of the cleaning service, plus the cost of laundering the linens, and the cost of the disposables used for cleaning the property.

5.2.3. The Contractor shall stock the property with supplies, disposables and linens as requested per turnover.

5.2.4. The Company or it’s clients will provide the linens and disposables needed to stock the unit. These supplies will be available at the Company’s warehouse for the Contractor to pick-up no less than one day prior to the date or on the same morning of the day the work is to be performed. From time to time Company can offer to have these items brought to the unit for you.

5.2.5. The Contractor shall be responsible for purchasing and maintaining his/ her own disposables stock as well as cleaning products/ items (for example vacuum cleaner, mop etc., plus all or most of the items noted in document 10-5) needed for cleaning and have these items available to use at all times for each turnover.

5.2.6. The Contractor shall ensure all properties are inspected and quality checked after each turnover per Company standards noted in document 10-1, 10-2, 10-3 and 10-4.

5.2.7. The Contractor shall ensure all lights turn on, no light bulbs are out, all devices and appliances are in good working order, all toilets flush, all sinks and showers work, no items are left behind from the previous guests, and that there are no damages. If the Contractor notices any items left behind, any damages or anything that needs maintenance, Contractor is obligated to immediately report this to his/her manager. The Contractor is also responsible for locking the unit/ building doors, putting the unit keys back in the lockbox, making sure it’s locked, reporting any issues with the lockbox, and reporting any missing set of keys when noticed. Other important items are to make sure no appliances are on, AC/ Heat is set to reasonable temperatures and all lights are off when leaving.

5.2.8. The Contractor may be asked to perform light maintenance as required as a part of the standard inspection/ quality check. This may include changing batteries, changing light bulbs, resetting wireless routers, and other troubleshooting activities.

5.2.9. The Contractor may be offered to do a Quality Check of a unit where the turnover has been previously performed by another team member of Company. This is to double check if the job was performed according to Company’s expectations and requirements noted in 10-1, 10-2, 10-3 and 10-4. In this case the Contractor quality checking the unit will be responsible for duties noted under points 5.2.1, 5.2.6., 5.2.7. and 5.2.8. In most cases it will be necessary to re-clean or touch-up on certain areas to make sure the unit is absolutely spotless and 100% guest-ready. This service will pay $10 per quality check. Quality checking your own turnover cleaning is included in the paid fee per turnover and does not pay an additional amount.

5.3. Property Preparation

5.3.1. The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring the properties are adequately stocked relative to the maximum occupancy available or bedroom/ bathroom count.

5.3.2. As feasible, the Contractor may be asked to ensure all maintenance tasks are completed prior to guests’ arrival, including cleaning, staging, as well as all other general maintenance tasks.

5.3.3. The Contractor shall ensure all client or guest needs/requests are met as communicated by Company before guest arrival.

5.3.4. The Contractor shall ensure that the property is professionally staged for incoming guests.

5.3.5. The Contractor shall be responsible for monitoring the inventory to ensure the property has enough stock to accompany all guests. This includes, but is not limited to, linens, light bulbs, batteries, remote controls, disposable toiletries, bedding stock, dishes, utensils, small appliances, other supplies, etc.

5.3.6. The Contractor shall be responsible for reporting outdated items in the property(s) like sponges, heavily used or stained linens including kitchen towels, shower curtains/ liners, rugs/ carpets, or any other feasible item which does not look presentable anymore, and Contractor might be asked to replace these items if provided by Company or it’s clients.

5.4. Invoicing

5.4.1. Contractor will remit his/her invoice as the work is completed on a weekly basis on every Tuesday by midnight the latest. The contractor will date the invoice as of the dates of the current pay period. For example Tom_Tompson_Invoice_11/23-11/29/2018. Pay periods are from Wednesday to Tuesday. All invoices will be paid on the following Wednesday. Company will provide a template for the invoice.


By signing this document (or by clicking 'I agree' on the Onboarding form), I agree to the terms set forth in and do not dispute or object to any language written herein. I also confirm that I have read and understood Kleenerly’s documents 10-1, 10-2, 10-3, 10-4, 10-5 and 10-6 (shared via Gdrive folder found in the Onboarding email) and promise to provide the best possible services according to the required standards mentioned in these documents.