One load at a time

You most likely already have one or two sets of sheets per bed and a fair amount of towels. If that is the case, we offer to wash and dry all the soiled items using either your in-unit washer & dryer, your building's laundry room, or a nearby laundromat.

Your linens can soon look tired and show signs of wear. Adding our linen rental to your turnover service will mean you can be confident your guests will always have new, clean, sanitized linens every stay.  Removing the need for you to make frequent new linen purchases to avoid a less desirable review.

Whether you choose our linen rental service or our laundry service, your Kleenerly team will ensure your guests have fresh linens and towels with every turnover. We will always communicate to you if your linens are starting to look less than hotel quality.

bed nicely made fresh linen